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Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

November is Family History Month Oct 31st, 2021

November is not only about Thanksgiving, but it is also Family History! Did you know that knowing your family health risk history can help you? Even though you may not have a parent or a sibling that have had a disease or has  cancer but other family member might had...

Handwashing Oct 11th, 2021

Handwashing is the key to reduce the spread of diseases.  You can reduce the spread of diarrheal diseases by 30%. By Handwashing you can also reduce the spread of  acute respiratory infections by up to 20%. Handwashing with soap helps destroys the outer membrane of virus. Please join us for...

Breast Cancer Awareness Oct 4th, 2021

Breast Cancer is when the cells divide and muliply in an uncontrollled way. Cancer usually forms in the either the lobules, or the ducts of the breast.  In early stages of breast cancer symptoms may not be noticeable. The tumor could be so small that you may not be able...

Blood Cancer Sep 26th, 2021

   Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. There are several blood cells but Leukemia mainly affects the white blood cells. White blood cells do no function like normal white blood cells with Leukemia.      You may wonder what the cause if for Leukemia but it is still...

Caring for your heart Sep 19th, 2021

   AFib also known as Atrail Fibrillation interrupt's the normal flow of the blood. This is the most common type of heart arrythmia. There are four chambers that make up your heart: two atrium (upper) and two ventricles (lower). The ones that affected are the two upper chambers. The blood...

What is PCOS? Sep 12th, 2021

  PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a hormone problem that affects women between ages 15-44. The ovaries and the reproductive organs are affected by this.  Three main Features are: Cysts in the ovaries irregular periods high levels of male hormones  You are probably wondering what causes this....

Watching your Cholesterol Sep 5th, 2021

      Cholesterol is a waxy substance. Our body needs it to build up cells, but to much cholesterol is not good for you body. There are two different ways our body takes in cholesterol. First way is our liver makes it. The second way we get it from...

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Aug 30th, 2021

Many of the early signs of  Ovarian Cancer have a sudden onset. They do not feel the same as normal digestion or normal menstrual cramps, these symptoms also do not just go away.        Some of the ealy symptoms could be: frequent bleeding quickly feeling full when eating...

Keeping yourself safe in the sun Jul 12th, 2021

As summer is upon us, we are finding ourselves starting to attend more and more outdoor social outings. That being said, we need to make sure we are protecting ourselves and our families from excessive sun exposure. We don't always realize all the different forms of radiation that are out...

Too Tired to Exercise Apr 1st, 2021

It’s time to lose weight and improve my heart health so this nurse has committed to at least twenty minutes of exercise five days a week. Each morning around 5:15 a.m. my Springer Spaniel, Buster, rests his head across my neck stirring me out of bed and towards our morning...

Women and Heart Disease Mar 2nd, 2021

Women and Heart Disease As a child I remember my mother and grandmother seldom enjoying a hot meal. This was especially true when they entertained the extended family during holidays. They were usually the last people to sit down and the first ones to stand if something was needed, forever...

Telemedicine can be an alternative option for you and your family Mar 2nd, 2021

Telemedicine is a great way to keep your healthcare needs on track.  Since COVID-19, we have been able to keep in touch with our patients remotely through telemedicine. Together with your provider and their clinical staff, we have the ability to care for you and your family. Have same day...